Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ryan's Wheels

Just the other week, we were able to give a wheelchair to 'Ryan' a 17 year old lad crippled by Polio. His father drives a motorela for a living which is just enough to support their family.

Buying medical equipment here is so expensive leaving many families unable to provide the necessary care for their children with disabilities. It is great to know that something as simple as 4 wheels will make such a difference to a young life that has been so restricted for so long!

Our THANKS to 'Aid to Hospitals Worldwide' who refurbish used or redundant medical equipment from hospitals in the UK and send them out to developing countries, for supplying such vital equipment and APPRECIATION also for the ongoing help and support we receive from 'The Conroy Rendon Charitable Trust' for organising its collection and shipping it out!

Working together really does make a difference!

Monday, July 13, 2009

God's Umbrella

The rainy season has begun - torrential downpours every afternoon, great for the rice crops and farmers but not so easy for the workers at our House of Joshua site.

Parts of the site are underwater pools this morning as the clouds daily open out their contents across the city.

We really need the heavens to open out provision for this project but please pray with us for an umbrella over the site while the essential digging work is completed.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ground Breaking

It has finally begun!
After months of planning, waiting, and paperwork the ground was finally broken and work started this morning at the 1261 square metre site of the House of Joshua project - constructing a home for abandoned and orphaned boys.

The Board of Directors and some local Pastors gathered together at 8.30am to pray and bless the ministry, in the shade of an adjacent tree. It was a moving time of dedicating the work and prayer for the 'Joshua Generation' of young people that will be reached and changed through this special home.

The first phase is to construct the perimeter fence and lay the foundations for the main back wall before infilling the house area to raise it by 1 meter to prevent flooding.

It is expected to take a number of weeks to complete with the hope that work will not be stalled by the torrential downpours of the fast approaching rainy season.


Today I found myself thinking again of "Mr X" the sad name given to a boy who no-one knows anything about ,nor really cares to find out.....A child with nothing,....and no-one!

A young lad abandoned in the market for being 'different' - for carrying disabilities in his body and mind that rendered him disgarded, useless....and ultimately.....UNWANTED!

He is the inspiration and fuel for all of this. Wanting to see him receive his right to a name, to dignity, to life beyond mere existance - He is one of the reasons that I'm still here.....

Mother Teresa said " Lonliness and the feeling of being UNWANTED is the most terrible poverty'......

He's still sat there on his wooden slatted, urine soaked makeshift bed in the corner of a jail compound having committed no crime. I keep praying that he won't have to sit there much longer, that one day soon I can bring him and others like him 'home' and give him a real name and pour out all the love on him that he and every child deserves.....that he can be a someone.

WANTED: People who will help change life for children like 'Mr X'

REWARD: Immeasurable